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Lawn Fungicide Treatments Johnson County, KS

Lawn Disease Prevention

Protect your lawn from damaging fungus and help keep it looking great when disease issues are most prevalent with our Lawn Disease Prevention services!


Disease is one of the most common reasons your lawn browns and thins out during the stressful summer months.

Lawn Disease Prevention Program

Our Lawn Disease Prevention Program consists of 3 applications made during the season. We will begin these applications by evaluating the forecast and apply once conditions for disease begin to develop. This is typically mid to late May.


Fungicide applications will be done 21-28 days apart from May through July to help extend disease protection through the summer.


This add-on program includes complimentary service calls should lawn disease issues arise in between treatments.

Lawn Disease Curative Applications

We also offer one-time or as needed curative fungicide applications should you notice disease issues in your lawn.


Lawn disease is best prevented through regular preventative fungicide applications and proper cultural practices. Curative applications are designed to stop existing disease from worsening and spreading to other areas of your lawn. The goal is to have the lawn grow out of the disease within the next couple of weeks after a treatment and restore affected areas back to their proper health.

Identifying Lawn Disease

Here in the Kansas City Metro area we see many varieties of lawn disease. Some are harmless and can be mowed out easily while others can cause significant damage to your lawn.


Having a lawn company who can properly identify lawn disease and give you honest, knowledgeable advice is essential. Whether you would benefit from a fungicide application or need to adjust your cultural practices, we are here to guide you in the right direction.

Brown Patch

Brown Patch is one of the most common and destructive diseases for lawns in our area. This disease primarily impacts fescue grass in lawns. It is distinguishable by large, irregular brown lesions on the grass blades. If you notice mycelium, the white, spider web like substance, on grass blades early in the morning this means the disease is active and spreading.


Having Brown Patch in your lawn would warrant a fungicide application to help stop its spread to other areas of the lawn.

Brown Patch in Lawn Johnson County, KS
Brown Patch Lesions Johnson County, KS
Mycelium in Lawn Johnson County, KS
Dollar Spot

Dollar Spot is another common lawn disease in our area. It primarily impacts bluegrass in lawns and is distinguishable by the "hourglass shape" lesion stretching across the grass blade. Dollar Spot also produces small, round, brown spots through the lawn.


Dollar Spot can be prevented or treated with fungicide applications but would most benefit from extra nitrogen.

Dollar Spot in Johnson County, KS Lawn
Dollar Spot Lesion in Johnson County, KS Lawn
Slime Mold & Powdery Mildew

Slime Mold and Powdery Mildew may look like they would damage your lawn but both of these are harmless and will easily mow out.

Powdery Mildew in Johnson County, KS Lawn
Slime Mold in Lawn Johnson County, KS Lawn

There are many other types of disease that can affect your lawn. If you notice any irregularities in your lawn, please reach out to us for a free lawn evaluation.

How Can You Prevent Lawn Disease?

Good cultural practices such as proper mowing and watering can be just as important as regular fungicide applications to help prevent disease issues in your lawn.


Each new Bison Lawns client is provided with proper mowing, watering and seasonal care practices to help keep their lawn looking its best. Below you will find some guidelines to help prevent lawn disease.


  • Maintain a mowing height of 3-3.5 inches for cool-season lawns such as fescue & bluegrass.

  • Mow often enough to not remove more than 1/3 of the grass plant on each cut. During the rapid, flush growth of spring this can be accomplished with at least a couple mowings each week.

  • Always try and mulch your lawn. Mulching helps promote good microbial activity which can help alleviate thatch build up and reduce disease risk.

  • Remove any excess clippings left on the lawn by mulching them back in or raking and bagging them up.

  • Make sure your lawn mower blade is sharp. Always sharpen your blade before the start of each mowing season. Sharpening your blade every couple of months during the season is best practice. Dull blades rip and tear the grass blade leaving it more vulnerable for disease to enter the plant.

  • Water your lawn only as needed and only in the early morning between the hours of 3 a.m. - 10 a.m. This will give the lawn ample time to dry out before the night.

  • Deep, infrequent waterings are best to maintain proper moisture content in your soil.

  • Disease can harbor in your lawns' thatch build-up. Reducing the amount of thatch in your lawn with thatch reduction applications or an aeration of the lawn in the fall will help reduce your disease risk.


For more helpful tips or to request a free lawn evaluation, please click the link below!

Request a Free Lawn Disease Prevention Quote!

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